Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Greece Asks Germany for $300 Billion in Restitution

I recently found an interesting article from Vice News about an odd political request.
Although I don't think that  Greece should have asked Germany to give them three hundred billion dollars, I do think that Germany should consider helping them to boost their economy. Given that both countries are part of the EU, they are tied in an economic bond.  Germany is ruining the EU economy by causing inflation to go up, and on the other side of the spectrum, Greece is ruining the same economy by lowering the worth of the money. Whenever Germany sells it products to other countries, they gain money, making the currency have more value. The German economy is able to provide more people with money and thus they will demand more. In turn, that process  will increase the inflation dramatically.  In contrast, when Greece runs out of money and is at risk of going bankrupt, then they pull down the value of the money because it no longer holds as much value.  In any economy you need balance, and when you have one country that causes a currency to lose value, and another that increases value, then the economy will become unstable.
I do not think that it is right to force the German people to cough up 875 Euros each (which is determined by taking the amount of money asked and dividing it by the number of citizens in Germany) just to pay off Greece. Many countries including Germany suffered great losses after World War II  and received little to no support afterwards.   Altho I don't think that Germany should bow to down to demands, I do think that they should consider helping Greece to get back on its feet. If Germany gave money that was spent on building some form of industry in Greece, then perhaps Greece would not drag down the EU, making both Germany and Greece prosper. If Greece did form a stronger industry, then the country would have an independent income, allowing for more independent growth. Germany has proven itself to be an extremely industrious nation that has survived losing two world wars and yet they remain one of the strongest economies in the EU. I think that because of Germany's economy, they should consider helping Greece. However, they certainly should not give them three hundred billion dollars on demand.       Vice newsVice news article

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting find, Tim! I appreciate your analysis of Germany and Greece.

    Have you considered posting the URL of the article you mention? By doing so, your readers could consult it before your post. You might drive up the number of responses as your viewers attempted to reconcile both pieces.
